Tuesday, July 6, 2010


is how to reach me on Twitter. I'm following a couple of breweries, Mo Rocca from CBS Sunday Morning and Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me, CoeBRAI, Lonnie Zingula, and Lance Armstrong. Lance is very active on Twitter and it's neat to see his comments during the Tour De France, which just finished it's third stage today.

I've only ever wanted to us Twitter to follow others and be entertained. I stayed away from it for a while before I finally jumped in last summer. I rarely check it but will spend some more time on it during the Tour. I know it has been used to track trends and news and those are the only two ways I can think of it being used in an educational setting. It's purely social to me so I struggle to see how much educational value it has. I do think it would be interesting to analyze the type and frequency of individuals' comments though.

I've recently stated that I think Twitter will be dead or irrelevant in two years due to its meteoric rise, supersaturation in our culture, and lack of purpose (outside of being social). I still believe this but also think that some other Web 2.0 tool will capture our imagination before that two years is up and Twitter will be relegated to a niche product again.

1 comment:

  1. I read a stat somewhere that 65% (+/-) of user accounts created in Twitter are abandoned or dead within six months. So, lots of people signing up, but not so many people staying on as active users/posters.
